Quiz: Life is so dull without dal!

A delicious Sindhi recipe, moong, channa, masoor, urad and toor dals come together to sear and simmer in a host of spices for a rich, creamy dish. Name the dish.

This dal is the main ingredient of sambar and also an important ingredient in the preparation of bisi bele bath. Name the dal.

This dal is produced by removing the outer layer of black chickpeas and then splitting the kernel. Though this process is largely mechanised, it can be done at home by soaking the whole chickpeas and removing the loose skins by rubbing. Name the dal.

Referred to as "black gram", this is a primary ingredient of idli and dosa. It is also one of the main ingredients of East Indian bori. Name the dal.

Popular in Punjabi kitchen, this one is made with hearty ingredients like urad dal, butter, cream, yogurt and truck loads of love. Name the dish.

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