Quiz: Better latte than never

This alcoholic coffee drink is from a town in Germany which was invented in 1957 by the German television chef, Hans Karl Adam. Asbach Uralt brandy and sugar cubes are added to a cup. The brandy is flambéed and stirred for a minute until the sugar dissolves and strong coffee is added, followed by a topping of whipped cream sweetened with vanilla sugar. Name the drink.

This variety of coffee is prepared by adding hot water to espresso, giving a similar strength to but different flavor from brewed coffee. The drink consists of a two parts of hot water for every single part of espresso. Name this popular coffee variant.

One of the most expensive coffees in the world, __________ is a brand of coffee produced by a company in northern Thailand from Arabica coffee beans consumed by elephants and collected from their waste. The taste of the coffee is influenced by elephants' digestive enzymes, which breaks down the coffee's protein. Name the coffee.

The founder of this coffee company John Puckett was working as a management consultant for Boston-based firm Bain & Company, helping develop ideas and strategies for other companies, when he decided he wanted to become an entrepreneur. After a trip to Denali National Park in Alaska, he and his wife, Kim, decided to raise money and start a coffee company. Name the company.

Galão is a hot drink from this country made by adding foamed milk to espresso coffee. Similar to caffè latte or café au lait, it consists of about one quarter coffee and three quarters foamed milk. It is served in a tall glass as opposed to a demitasse. In which country does this drink hail from?

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