Quiz: Keep it Shrimple!

This is a tiger prawn recipe incorporating asparagus in lasagna bundles and topped with a mix of two types of sauces. With the image as a clue, can you guess the two sauces?

Can you name this dish made from Arborio rice into which tiger prawn has been incorporated?

Pictured is a tiger prawn curry that is unique due to the use of fruit while making it. The use of coconut milk makes this dish rich and creamy. With the image as a clue, guess the fruit.

This is a tiger shrimp summer roll made using the bánh tráng, a paper made out of rice. With which country would you associate the bánh tráng?

Pictured is the tiger prawn jambalya, an American Creole and Cajun rice dish of French, African, and Spanish influence. With which state in the US would you associate this dish?

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