Quiz: Do you have Thai-me for this quiz?

The Gaeng Daeng Gai, also popularly known as ______ curry is a Thai dish of curry paste infused with milk. Chicken, beef, pork or even vegan options such as tofu can be added to the mix to make for a hearty & delicious meal. Fill up the blank.

A famous Thai dish, __________ literally means ""stir-fried rice"". This is prepared with Thai jasmine rice instead of regular long-grain rice. It normally contains meat (chicken, shrimp, pork, and crab are all common), egg, onions, garlic and sometimes tomatoes. Fill up the blank.

This Thai immunity-boosting soup is characterised by its distinct hot and sour flavours, with fragrant spices and herbs generously used in the broth (usually consisting of shrimp). The soup is also made with fresh ingredients such as lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, galangal, lime juice, fish sauce, and crushed red chilli peppers. Name this famous soup.

___________ is a famous Thai dessert made with glutinous rice, fresh mango and coconut milk, and eaten with a spoon or hands. Traditionally, the Nam Dok Mai (flower nectar mango) and ok-rong varieties of mango are used. Fill up the blank.

This Thai dish is a green papaya salad that combines all four tastes - sour, hot, sweet and salty. Name this salad that is not only pleasing to the eye but also to the palate.

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