Quiz: Fruitful summer!

Considered to be the 'King of Mangoes', one of the origin stories associated with this mango traces back to the Thathachariar Gardens, a sprawling estate at Srirangam, Tamil Nadu. Name the mango variety.

Sizing up to 4 to 7 inches in diameter and having a black husk, this fruit is a must-have during the summer season. It has a mildly sweet flavour and watery texture. Name the fruit.

This is a dessert of peaches and raspberry sauce, two popular summer fruits, with vanilla ice cream. It was invented by the French chef Auguste Escoffier to honour an Australian soprano. Name the dessert.

The name of this fruit is derived from the name of a region which was formerly a papal county seat near Rome. The story goes that the fruit was introduced there from Armenia. Name the fruit.

This Sangria contains and which fruit is a must-have during the summer season?

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