Quiz: It’s Sikkimese time!

This dish is just lentil soup with rice. It is a staple food in Sikkim which is served with tarkari (vegetable curry) or meat and chutney. Based on the description, what elegant name would one use for this dish?

This is a popular noodle soup of Tibetan origin that has become one of the most loved food items in Sikkim. Varieties of this dish include Gyathuk, Thuppa, Thugpa and Thenthuk. Name this dish.

This Sikkimese traditional dish is made out of radish taproots, chopped and put into bamboo and pressed over with straw. This bamboo is covered with vegetation and mud for about a month and is allowed to ferment. Name the dish.

Kinema is a dish that involves the fermenting of a legume. The legume is boiled and fermented to attain a sticky texture and can be consumed with rice as a side dish. Name the legume used to make this dish.

Sisnu ko Soup is a traditional soup that is known for its health benefits. It is made using the powders of a flowering plant, contributing to the name of this soup. Name the plant.

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