Quiz: ‘Tuna’ in for some fishy fun!

Muj Gaad is a popular fish recipe that involves deep fried fish and deep fried radishes seeped together in fennel and ginger spiced gravy. With which region in India would one associate the dish with?

This dish is a grill fish recipe where the fish pieces are marinated in a blend of herbs and spices and then grilled till golden. It is served hot as an appetizer or as a side dish. Name this dish.

This dish is very popular in West Bengal. It is made with a fish species primarily found in Chandpur District, Bangladesh. The ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (ICAR-NBFGR), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, in 2006, listed it as the state fish of West Bengal. Name the fish.

This fish species is part of the carp family and found in rivers of South Asia. It is popularly used in Assamese fish curry. A recipe for this fish is mentioned in Manasollasa, a 12th-century Sanskrit encyclopedia compiled by Someshvara III, who ruled from present-day Karnataka. Name this fish.

This dish popular in the state of West Bengal has marinated pieces of fish cooked in a yogurt based gravy. The curry is robust, slightly spicy and delicately sour with a balance of curd and spices. Name this famous dish.

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