Quiz: Undertake the ultimate food trail of India.

This is a highly popular gravy-based dish from Rajasthan and is usually accompanied with a side of roti or plain rice. In this dish, Gram flour (besan) roundels are added to a curd-based gravy. There are many variations of this dish. Name it.

This is a soft flatbread typical of the Gujarati cuisine. It is usually had during breakfast, as a late-afternoon snack or served as a side dish to a meal. This dish can be made with wheat flour, besan (gram flour), methi (fenugreek leaves) and other spices and is consumed with dahi (yogurt), red garlic chutney and chhundo (sweet mango pickle). Name this flatbread.

_______ ________ of Bihar originated centuries ago as a staple food in the court of Magadha. This dish consists of wheat and sattu with spices, kneaded into round spicy balls that are dipped in ghee. The gravy is prepared by mashing boiled vegetables and adding spices, chopped onion and garlic. The balls and gravy are then served together. What is the name of this Bihari dish.

This dish means "rice bread" in its native language, Kannada. It is made of rice flour, salt and water. Sliced onions, carrots, chopped dill leaves, chopped coriander, cumin seeds and sesame seeds are typically added while kneading the dough. The traditional way of making this involves spreading the dough over a plantain leaf and then cooking it over a griddle. Name this dish.

This is a traditional payasam /pudding of Kerala made of jackfruit jam or bulbs cooked in coconut milk and sweetened with jaggery. It can be served warm or cold. Name this famous Kerala pudding.

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