Quiz: Care for some Murukku!

This crisp snakc is a mixture of rice flour, roasted gram, garlic, little amount of pepper and made into a shape of round and gently fried in oil to fry until golden brown. Name this popular snack.

This crispy and delicious snack is made with ragi / finger millet flour. Name this snack.

This popular rice dumpling is prepared with a sweet filling and are presented as dessert dumplings. The most popular filling involves grated coconut and jaggery. Name this dish.

This delicious ball shaped crisp dumplings made with fermented urad dal and rice batter are made in both sweet and savory variations. Name this popular snack.

This delicious snack is a sweet recipe of coconut and a mixture of jaggery syrup made into a shape of a ball. Name the dish.

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