Quiz: Everything is better with Charcuterie!

___________ is pork from a leg cut that has been preserved by wet or dry curing, with or without smoking. As a processed meat, the term includes both whole cuts of meat and ones that have been mechanically formed. Fill in the blank.

____________ is a mixture of ground, lean meat emulsified with fat. The emulsification can be accomplished by grinding, sieving, or puréeing the ingredients. __________ are used in the production of numerous items found in charcuterie. Fill in the blank.

In French cuisine, this is a dish of boned stuffed meat, most commonly poultry or fish, that is usually poached and served cold, often coated with aspic. Name the dish.

___________ is a preservation method similar to confit where meat is seasoned then slow cooked submerged in fat and cooked at an extremely slow rate for several hours. The meat is shredded and packed into sterile containers covered in fat. Fill in the blank.

In traditional French cuisine, ________ is a loaf of forcemeat or aspic that is cooked in a covered pottery mold in a bain-marie. Modern versions of ________ do not necessarily contain meat. In the past, _________ were under the province of professional charcutiers. Fill in the blank.

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