Quiz: Just Pudding it out there!

This is a traditional English pudding that derives its name from a particular county. It is made of a suet pastry, filled with butter and sugar, and is boiled or steamed for several hours. Modern versions of the recipe often include a whole lemon enclosed in the pastry. Name this pudding.

This popular savoury pudding contains sheep's pluck (heart, liver, and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and cooked while traditionally encased in the animal's stomach. However, an artificial casing is often used instead these days. Name this pudding.

This is a starch-based, sweet, soft dessert pudding known to have been popular in Britain and Ireland from the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries. The name is first known in Gervase Markham's 1623 Countrey Contentments, or English Huswife. Name this pudding.

A distinctive West Yorkshire pudding, its main ingredients are the leaves of bistort, together with oatmeal, nettles, onion, and seasoning to taste. Traditionally the pudding is fried in a frying pan along with bacon. Name the dish.

This is a sweet dessert popular throughout Europe commonly made with milk or cream and sugar thickened with rice flour, gelatin, corn starch, or Irish moss and often flavoured with almonds. It is usually set in a mould and served cold. Name this pudding.

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