Quiz: Milking almonds is vegtastic!

Kunu is a popular drink consumed throughout this African country that is usually made from a grain such as millet or sorghum, although it can be made from maize as well. Name the country.

This is a traditional sweet, low-alcohol or non-alcoholic Japanese drink made from fermented rice. Name the drink.

Horchata is a name given to various beverages, which are generally plant-based. Horchata de chufa is a drink made from soaked, ground and sweetened ________. Fill in the blank.

Also known as bean curd, this is a food prepared by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into solid white blocks of varying softness. Name this food.

This is a plant milk made from _________ seeds that are soaked and ground in water. The result resembles milk in colour, texture, and flavour. Fill in the blank.

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