Quiz: The Cuisine of the Seven Sisters!

This dish traces its origin from the Amdo region in Tibet. It is prepared by cutting up mutton, steaming it with a little pepper and salt and cooking it until it reaches a chewy texture. Fresh dough is kneaded with little oil and is pulled into small, flat noodles which are thrown into boiling soup for a few minutes. There are numerous variations to this dish and is popular in North-East states of India. Name the dish.

_________ is a distinctive Assamese preparation that gets its unique astringent flavour from an indigenous alkaline product. An alkaline extract is produced by charring the sundried peel of humped feather back bananas. The charred peel (close to ashes) are dipped in water and the filtered extract is known as ________. Variations of this dish is based on the ingredients added to it. Fill in the blank.

Chhangban is a sticky local rice bread which is made of boiled or cooked dough of glutinous rice. It is similar in appearance to puris or bhaturas and is eaten with vegetables or just with chai as a snack. With which state in India would you associate the dish Chhangban?

Chakhwi is a popular dish in the local cuisine of this state. The main ingredients are deep-fried bamboo shoots and sliced pork. Baking soda, salt, turmeric, green chilli and ginger is added to the dish along with rice flour paste and a little lemon. In which Indian state would one find this dish?

This is a spicy chickpea snack which can be found in various local food establishments in Manipur. It is traditionally served on a lotus leaf, bearing the aroma of the leaf. Local legend goes that this dish is named after an old lady who used to sell this addictive snack under a tree. Name the dish.

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