Quiz: Whatever floats your goat!

These are the Galouti Kebabs, the highlight of the Awadhi cuisine. These were invented for the nawab of Lucknow, who was toothless and true to its construct it melts in the mouth. Aptly named Galouti Kebabs, what does Galouti in the name stand for?

Pictured here is the Khatta Meat, a Dogri specialty from Jammu. In this dish, mutton is cooked in mustard oil with a very liberal usage of a certain ingredient that gives it a citrusy, sour kick thereby getting its name - "Khatta Meat". Can you guess what is added to make it sour?

What you are seeing here is the Sali Boti, with which community would you associate this dish?

This is the Kosha Mangsho, the Mutton preparation that is associated with the Bengali cuisine. The word Kosha refers to the style in which the meat is cooked and it is this technique that makes the meat tender, flavourful and tasty. What does Kosha refer to?

The curry pictured here traces its origins back to the British Raj era when it was invented in one of the transport modes to serve to the Sahibs. This is a mellowed down version of the spicy Indian Mutton Curry with a longer shelf life due to the use of tamarind or vinegar in the preparation. Name this curry.

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