Quiz: Life is about exploring pasta-bilities.

Pictured is a dish associated with the Friuli region of Italy. Consisting mainly of heated cheese and other optional ingredients like potatoes, this dish was originally made in the impoverished region to recycle cheese rinds. Name this dish whose first recipe dates back to 1450.

This is a cake consisting of a round sponge cake moistened with fruit juices or liqueur and layered with ricotta cheese and candied fruit. The name of this dish also refers to a Neapolitan ice cream containing candied or dried fruit and nuts. Name this dish whose name might remind you of a dessert found in India.

A large, very broad, flat pasta, it is similar to fettuccine and originates from the region of Tuscany. Name this type of pasta whose name comes from the Italian verb "to gobble up".

Pictured is a thick soup that is made with vegetables, often with the addition of pasta or rice and other ingredients like beans, onions, carrots, leaf vegetables, parmesan cheese and tomatoes. Name this dish whose name has the definition of "a rich thick vegetable soup usually with dried beans and pasta" in English and was first attested in 1871.

A type of bread that means "toasted bread" in Sardinian language, it is also called carta da musica in Italian, meaning "sheet music". This is a reference to its large and paper-thin shape, which is said to be so thin before cooking that a sheet of music can be read through it. Name this bread made from durum wheat.

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