Quiz: Satay’sfy your craving for Indonesian cuisine.

Opor Ayam is a dish from Central Java made from chicken. A very popular dish, it is usually eaten with ketupat and sambal goreng ati. This dish is part of the "Opor" family, a name given to dishes made from a particular ingredient. With the colour of the gravy in the picture, can you guess this ingredient?

This is a variant of Nasi Goreng that involves the chicken fried rice being covered in fried egg or omelette. Though this variant has a name of a popular tourist spot of Thailand in its name, it is believed that this dish originated in Malaysia. Name this tourist spot found in the Eastern side of Gulf of Thailand

Pictured is the Sup Wortel, a popular soup that is prepared either as a cream or broth-style soup. Given the colour, can you guess from which vegetable the soup is made?

Kue makmur, roughly meaning "Prosperous Biscuits" are traditional dessert made from butter, ghee and flour. Believed to be derived from the Middle Eastern ma'amoul introduced by Arab merchants, it is identified with its white colour and usually in a round shape. This delicious dessert is normally made as part of the celebrations of which of the following Islamic observances?

This is the Botok, a dish made from shredded coconut flesh which has been squeezed of its coconut milk and then mixed with other ingredients such as vegetables or fish, and wrapped in banana leaf and steamed. Usually eaten with rice, to which region of Indonesia is Botok traditional to?

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