Quiz: Gill-ty of serving dry fish!

Niboshi is one of the many dried fish that are used as a snacking item across Asia. Apart from this, it is also used as seasoning for soup stocks. Just tell us the name of the fish whose infant form is used to make Niboshi.

Hákarl is a dried form of the Greenland shark. The meat of the Greenland shark is considered poisonous when fresh but the process followed in making the Hákarl ensures the meat is safe to eat in its dried form. With a strong ammonia-rich smell, this can be considered as an acquired taste. Name the country whose national dish it is.

This is the Bacalhau, a Portuguese word for a type of fish, but meaning 'dried and salted' in a culinary context. This fish is a common feature in Portugal and its former colonies too. Further, it is the traditional Christmas Eve dinner in some parts of Portugal. The fish in question is a highly prized fish with wars being fought over it. To what type of fish does the word refer to?

What you see here is the Daing, a word that literally means 'sun-dried' in the local language. The fish is prepared by splitting it open with salt being added liberally, and then sun and air-dried. Originally a preservation technique, the dish has gained significance in this country's culture as a comfort food. If you want to relish this dish, where should you head to?

Fesikh is a ancient celebratory dish of Egypt that is especially had during the Sham el-Nessim, a celebration from ancient Egyptian period. This dish consists of fermented, salted and dried mullet of the genus Mugil, a saltwater fish found in the Mediterranean and the Red Seas. If you are relishing this dish during the celebration mentioned in question, which season would you be in?

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