Quiz: All you knead is loaf!

This is a dark brown sourdough rye bread of Russian origin, traditionally sweetened with molasses and flavoured with coriander and caraway seeds. Identify this bread.

This thick Italian flatbread is traditionally baked with high gluten flour, salt and olive oil, accompanied with mixed herbs, onions or olives. Mostly used as a pizza base, it is also often served as a side dish or even as sandwich bread. Name this bread.

This is a type of unleavened flatbread popular in parts of northern China, including Beijing. It is sometimes referred to as a Chinese pancake. Name this bread.

This bread, rich in fibres, is a heavy, slightly sweet rye bread traditionally made with sourdough starter and coarsely ground rye. According to philologist Johann Christoph Adelung, the name of the bread when translated means "devil's fart". Name this bread.

Local legend overwhelmingly credits a Gloucester fisherman with coining the term as a not-so-loving tribute to his wife, Anna. This is a traditional yeast bread of New England in the United States made with wheat flour, cornmeal, molasses and sometimes rye flour. Name this bread.

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