Quiz: It’s gonna be All Ripe!

Pictured here is a very popular tea-time snack of Kerala. Name this snack made from ripe banana.

With which Asian country would you associate this condiment made from banana, sugar, vinegar and spices? This condiment was first produced here during World War II due to a wartime shortage of tomatoes but a comparatively high production of bananas.

This is Boli, a dish consisting of roasted plantain native to the Yoruba people of this country. A dish that can be consumed as a snack or main meal, it is often eaten with groundnuts when had as a snack. With which African country would you associate this dish?

What you see here is the Chapo, a beverage made of sweet plantains, water, and spices. It is primarily made by the Matsés and Shipibo people of this country forming the Amazonian jungle. Name the country

Pictured here is the Bánh chuối, a cake usually made with ripe bananas or plantains, rice flour, coconut milk, sugar, white bread, and other ingredients. The name of the dish literally means "Banana Cake" in the country from where this dish originates. Name the country.

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