Quiz: You’re my Bam-Boo!

This is the Lumpia, a type of spring rolls that is commonly filled with seasoned chopped rebung (bamboo shoots) with minced chicken or prawns. It is served with fresh baby shallots or leeks in sweet tauco (fermented soy) based sauce. In which country would you be relish this delicacy?

What you are seeing here is the Menma, a condiment made from lacto-fermented bamboo shoots. Though it is mainly manufactured in China, it is commonly used as a condiment in another Asian country. With the picture as an aid, can you guess the country?

This is the Ngachik-Soijin Thongba, a dish made with catfish and bamboo shoot. With which state in India would you associate this dish?

Pictured here is the Luosifen, a noodle soup that consists of rice noodles boiled and served in a soup. The stock is made by stewing river snails and pork bones for several hours with spices and is served with pickled bamboo shoot, pickled green beans and other toppings. Where would you have to go to savour this delight?

Ginataang labong, a vegetable stew with seafood or meat is the most common way of prepraing bamboo shoots in Filipino cuisine.This dish is a type of Ginataan, a term that is used for any dish made with a certain ingredient. This ingredient is why Ginataan is rich and creamy. Can you tell us what this means?

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