Quiz: Cakes bake the world a ‘butter’ place!

This is a rich, multilayered, cake filled with whipped cream, buttercreams, mousses, jams, or fruits. Name this delicious dessert

What you see here is the pain au chocolat, an edible that come under the category of Viennoiserie. Viennoiseries are baked goods made from a yeast-leavened dough in a manner similar to bread, or from puff pastry, but with added ingredients and the dough usually being laminated. What does Viennoiserie mean?

She is Bertha Palmer, an American socialite who is apparently the cause for the development of this baked good. The story goes that she had requested her chef for a suitable dessert for the ladies attending the Chicago World's Columbian Exposition. Her request was that the dessert be cake-like but smaller than a regular cake. What resulted out of this?

This is the Banoffee pie, an English dessert that has features cream either on a buttery biscuit base or one made from crumbled biscuits and butter. The name is a portmanteau of what two words?

Pictured here is a hardtack, a type of cracker made from flour, water, and sometimes salt. Inexpensive and long-lasting, it is used for sustenance in the absence of perishable foods, commonly during long journeys and campaigns. The name is derived from the word "tack", a slang word for food in this profession's lexicon. Name the profession.

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