Quiz: Appley ever after!

This is an American dessert similar to a cobbler or apple crisp wherein the fruit (typically apples) is baked, and the sweetened crumbs are placed in layers between the fruit. This was one of the favorite desserts of Ronald and Nancy Reagan in the White House. Name this dessert with an alliterative name.

Pictured here is the Tarte Tatin, a dish named after the Tatin sisters who invented it and served it in their hotel as its signature dish. It is a pastry in which the apples are caramelized in butter and sugar before the tart is baked. Discovered by accident, where would you be in if you're relishing this dessert at Hotel Tatin?

Seen here is the Apple Strudel, a popular pastry in Austria, Bavaria and other countries in that once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The dish consists of an oblong strudel pastry jacket in a particular pattern with an apple filling inside. With the oldest known strudel recipe dating back to 1697, the name of the dish pays homage to the pattern in which the dough is placed for baking. What does the word Strudel mean?

Name this traditional British pudding, with a reference to a biblical character, made from apples baked under a Victoria sponge cake mixture whose first known recipe is from 1824.

What you are seeing here is the Tufahije, a dessert made of walnut-stuffed apples poached in sugar water. The name of the dish comes from Ottoman Turkish word for apples. Where would you have to go to relish this dessert?

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